Tattoo After Care
If you have any questions or concerns on aftercare suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Tattoo After Care
1. Leave bandage on for 24 hours.
The bandage protects the new tattoo from outside elements like bacteria and debris until the surface layer of skin starts the healing process.
- If you have received a translucent bandage
Leave bandage on for 3 days up to 10 days.
- If you have received a second bandage do to excessive bleeding keep bandage on 24 hours/next morning and remove the first bandage and put on the second bandage that was given to you. Keep this bandage on according to the suggestions above.
2. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap.
Before you take the bandage off and any time you touch the tattoo.
3. Carefully remove bandage.
4. Wash tattoo with a mild fragrance free soap.
To prevent further irritation use your finger tips only to wash off the vaseline and wound excretions.
4. Pat dry.
Use a clean towel or disposable paper towel
5. Wear appropriate CLEAN non abrasive clothing.
Make sure the tattooed area is covered with a breathable fabric that is not too tight or abrasive such as jeans or polyesters.
On the first day of having your bandage off make sure your sheets are clean (freshly washed). Keep all animals out of your bed!
7. Wash your tattoo often
For 3 days after you remove your bandage and anytime the tattoo feels dry, tight or itchy.
8. AFTER 3 days you can start applying a lotion
Only a minimal amount and work it in completely, wipe off any excess. Lotion should be Water based and Fragrance free. Please wait 3 days or until a “sunburn” like scab falls off entirely.
- If you received Sansiderm translucent bandage you can disregard the 3 day period.
What to Expect and General Precautions
An inflammatory phase will happen immediately when the tattoo starts and can last 2-5 days after the tattoo procedure. It is accompanied by redness, pain, swelling, and warmth. While the tattoo is healing anywhere from 3-6 weeks or longer the skin texture will change and can appear shinny. It may also be accompanied by an itching sensation.
Swelling can be discomforting and too much swelling can stretch the skin causing pigment rejection in some areas. Anti-inflammatory medications and icing the area can help bring down swelling.
Pigment separation
Slapping, hitting, excessive rubbing and compression on the newly tattooed area can result in unwanted and extreme pigment separation. Which can look like a permanent marker exploded under the skin.
The tattooed area is considered a wound.
Lotion should not be applied before the surface layer is healed, no lotion or after care products are considered sterile.
The sun can fade any pigment.
To keep you color vibrate please apply a SUNBLOCK or SPF 60 sunscreen or higher.
Bodies of water harbor bacteria.
Submerging the tattoo in bodies of water during healing process such as lakes, bathtubs, and hot tubes can result in unwanted healing results or even an infection from bacteria in the water.
Bacteria in your Environment
Bedding, walls, floors, cell phones, towels, gym equipment, sweat, your own skin and other inanimate objects can have traces of all sorts of bacteria from strep to staph which can cause mild to extreme skin infections.
As an extra precaution make sure you clean your sheet before hoping into bed with your new tattoo and avoid the gym for a few days. Animal hair also has many bacterias so do not let them sleep in your bed or lick your tattoo!
Scratching, picking or rubbing off the tattoo scabs can cause unwanted healing such as patchiness and/or could embed dirt from your nails into the wound.
Wash your hands before touching the tattoo.
Do not let other people or animals touch the tattoo while it is healing.
Healing can take 3-6 weeks or longer depending on your immune system.
Help your immune system by drink plenty of water, eat nutritious foods and get plenty of rest.
All Tattoos will be bandaged before leaving the studio.
Any client that refuses a bandage does so at their own risk and will be asked to sign a waiver excepting all liablity for any adverse healing this may cause to the tattoo.
General healing can take 3-6 weeks or longer.
Happy Healing!
Infections can be caused by several elements in your environment including your own skin. We take all precautions to prevent cross contamination in the tattoo environment. Infections are accompanied by deep aches, yellow green puss, blistering, extreme pain and strange oders.
Please contact your family doctor if you believe you have an infection.
All aftercare instructions are suggestions and are never meant to be a substitution for doctor recommendations.