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​​​Before your  tattoo appointment


  •  Book a consultation! It is free! It's the best way for us to start designing your tattoo  and  it helps us to understand what you want for a design. If you are afraid of being allergic to any pigments this would be a great time to find out by doing a spot test (no tattooing involved). 

  •  Lotioning your skin; starting a week before, will soften the skin and make it easier to tattoo.  If you have scar tissue or rough skin, you can use Vitamin E oil mixed with your lotion; start this a month before the tattoo.

  •   Drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water will help hydrate your body and skin. If you don't normally drink this much water,  try to start a week before, and especially the day before your tattoo appointment.

  •   If you are prone to heavy bleeding try drinking plenty of apple juice the day before and bring some with you.  

  • Don't consume any alcoholic beverages at least 8 hours before your appointment.  This can cause heavy bleeding and make it hard for us to see if the pigments are going into the skin properly. 

What to bring 

It is a good idea to bring something to entertain you in case you don't like our music selection. Many clients find it helpful to bring a computer, Ipad, or books,  to take their minds  off of the tattooing process. We have WiFi connection for clients to use while in the studio. Feel free to bring snacks and juice  for longer sessions.  

What to wear

Wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the tattoo area without the need to reveal too much.  While some may be comfortable with revealing more then they need, we are not always comfortable with it.

Prepare For Your Tattoo
Studio Rules

We are private studio located in our home.  All clients are expected to book an appointment.

NO walk-Ins will be accommodated.

All clients will be asked to be respectful of our home and family.  Anyone who is disrespectful will be asked to leave and  will be subject to being blacklisted.  It is important that clients be on time but not too early. We will be expecting you at the time your appointment is scheduled not an hour early. Clients that show up too early will not be accommodated. 

During a consultation you can request a spot test for $25 to cover the cost of supplies used.

- The skin area will be cleaned with an aniseptic cleaner.

- A small spot of coloured pigment will be applied directly to the skin. (no tattooing involved at this point)

- The area will then be bandaged.

- It is important to leave the bandage on for 24 hours.

- After 24 hours the bandage will come off and be checked for bumps or redness around the the spot test area.

- Any reaction on the skin means there is an allergy to he pigment.

- If there are not reactions  the tattoo process can proceed as per usual.


Please let us know if you would like a spot test during your consultation prier to booking a consultation. 

Spot Test

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